Teachers: Check out these free resources for teaching the First Amendment

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Nothing is more important than teaching students the importance of their First Amendment freedoms. At the Free Speech Center, we’re offering a new resource that will help you do that — Lessons in Liberty.

This extensive compilation of First Amendment and Bill of Rights lesson plans and teaching materials, including videos, will help you craft lessons that will engage, excite and inspire you and your students.

Take a look at Lessons and Liberty and you’ll find you can select resources from the five freedom categories of the First Amendment — Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Press, Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Assembly, and Freedom to Petition the Government. There’s also a General category.

The “freedom category” feature will help you creatively tailor your teaching using historical materials alongside contemporary First Amendment issues. The primers and lessons may be used in history and government, civics, language arts and journalism, art, and debate classes.

Lessons in Liberty is a project in progress, with new resources being added as they are found. So if you find one that’s not there, send us the link! We’re at FreeSpeechCenter@mtsu.edu.