Interchurch Relations

Called to Unity in Mission, released in November 2016, is the latest report of the Anglican–United Church Dialogue. It includes recommendations for closer collaboration between our two churches in resource sharing and program work, and continued dialogue on ministry.

Since 2003, members of the Dialogue have been meeting annually to discuss areas of cooperation, similarities, and differences. Several reports that share their learning and recommendations are available on the United Church Commons.

Roman Catholic–United Church Dialogue

Meeting since 1975, this Dialogue seeks to increase understanding between the Roman Catholic Church in Canada and The United Church of Canada, including pastoral, theological, and ethical issues. The members have produced reports on topics such as baptism, sin and reconciliation, and marriage, which are available on the United Church Commons. The Dialogue is currently focusing on theologies of creation, ecology, and the environment. In July 2018 it released the report The Hope within Us.

Full Communion Agreement with the United Church of Christ

In 2015, the General Synod of the United Church of Christ USA and the 42nd General Council of The United Church of Canada approved a full communion agreement.

This agreement declares our openness to cooperation in terms of witness, mission, worship, and the proclamation of a common faith with the United Church of Christ.

The Report of the Joint Partnership Committee that was presented to the 42nd General Council 2015 follows.

Mutual Recognition of Ministries

The United Church of Canada has four formal agreements for Mutual Recognition of Ministries. One of these is with the United Church of Christ, mentioned above. Three others exist with the Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea, The United Church of Christ in the Philippines, and the Disciples of Christ in the USA and Canada.

Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea

In September 2015, a historic moment in partnership took place between the Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea (PROK) and The United Church of Canada, as PROK Moderator Rev. Choi Bu Wook and United Church Moderator Rt. Rev Jordan Cantwell signed a formal "Mutual Recognition of Ministries" agreement, followed by words of gratitude and celebration at the PROK Assembly in South Korea. The PROK has 335,000 members and 998 churches.

The United Church of Christ in the Philippines

At the 42nd General Council in Corner Brook in 2015, The United Church of Canada passed a Mutual Recognition of Ministries agreement with The United Church of Christ in the Philippines (UCCP). The UCCP is a Protestant mainline denomination with 1.5 million members and 1,593 pastors in 2,564 congregations.

The Disciples of Christ (USA and Canada)

At the 43rd General Council in Oshawa in 2018, The United Church of Canada passed a Mutual Recognition of Ministries agreement with the Disciples of Christ (USA and Canada). The Disciples of Christ has 830,000 members in the USA and 2,600 members in Canada.

Ecumenical Shared Ministries

An ecumenical shared ministry is United Church people sharing with other denominations in a congregation, program, mission, ministry, or building. The Ecumenical Shared Ministries Handbook (below) is information for congregations who are interested or involved in such a ministry. Other resources for ecumenical shared ministries are available at the Shared Ministries Bureau of the Prairie Centre for Ecumenism.
