Affidavit Of Support For Bona Fide Marriage Sample

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Such affidavits must be sworn to or affirmed by third parties having personal knowledge of the bona fides of the marital relationship. Each affidavit must contain the full name and address, date and place of birth of the person making the affidavit as well as the following:

1. his or her relationship to the petitioner, if any, and
2. complete information and details explaining how the person acquired his or her knowledge of the marriage.

The instructions for the I-751 Petition describes the affidavits that must accompany the petition as follows:

"Affidavits sworn to or affirmed by at least two people who have known both of you since your conditional residence was granted and have personal knowledge of your marriage and relationship. (Such persons may be required to testify before an immigration officer as to the information contained in the affidavit.) The original affidavit must be submitted and also contain the following information regarding the person making the affidavit: his or her full name and address; date and place of birth; relationship to you or your spouse, if any; and full information and complete details explaining how the person acquired his or her knowledge."

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